If you want to contact us please use the email addresses or phone numbers below.
East Oakley Village Hall is in the village of Oakley, Hampshire. It is commonly referred to as the Green Hut.
The address is 74 Hill Road, Oakley, Hants. RG23 7JJ. It is near Woodcroft (a small road off Hill Road).
The hall is used for many activities.
The hall has one room approximately 14.5 metres x 5.5 metres. In addition there is a Ladies and a Gents toilet, a kitchen and a small outside grassed area at the back. The kitchen has an urn, kettle, cups, saucers, mugs, some plates and cutlery, a sink, microwave and small fridge. There are several long folding tables and many square tables plus chairs, some padded. All furniture and kitchen equipment is available for all bookings.
There is parking for 3 to 4 cars in front of the hall and parking is available on the road too.
It is available for bookings around the regular users.
The regular bookings are listed on the right. In addition the hall can be booked for parties and other functions.
If you wish to enquire about booking the hall please contact the booking secretary by telephoning
07788 423252
or emailing booking@oakleygreenhut.co.uk
For urgent queries, should the booking secretary be away please email the treasurer treasurer@oakleygreenhut.co.uk
Jumble Sales booked in 2024
(Doors usually open at 1.45pm and sales take cash only. Donations can be brought to the hall in the morning of the sale from 10am)
Date Group holding the Jumble Sale
March 2nd Oakley Scout Group
April 20th Oakley & Deane WI
September 7th
Oakley & Deane WI
October 12th Oakley Scout Group
East Oakley Village Hall
Regular Hall bookings
Monday pm Oakley Afternoon WI
(3rd Monday of month)
Monday eve Oakley Stitchers
(1st Monday of month)
Tuesday am AVAILABLE
Tuesday pm Art Class
Tuesday eve Basingstoke Air Rifle &
Pistol Club
Wednesday am Coffee & Chat
Wednesday pm Speedy yoga
Wednesday eve
dog training
Thursday am Jiggywrigglers
Thursday pm AVAILABLE
Thursday eve AVAILABLE
Friday am Chair Yoga
Friday eve AVAILABLE
Saturday Available for parties
Occasional Jumble Sales
Sundays Available for parties
For details of any of the bookings or to book the hall please
phone 07788 423252
email booking@oakleygreenhut.co.uk or treasurer@oakleygreenhut.co.uk